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Chicago Heights Car Rental Comparison

Chicago Heights is a city in Cook County, Chicago, Illinois, United States. Having a population of about 31, 373 inhabitants, Chicago Heights is also named Crossroad of the Nation. Chicago hosts attractions that make from this location a great holiday destination where you can come with the entire family.

Top Attractions within Chicago Heights

Chicago Heights Public Library is one of the oldest attractions in Chicago Heights, being built in 1901. Open in a very small room at the beginning, the library extended and nowadays is huge. It encompasses about 60, 000 books, materials and records. It will be a memorable experience for all the members of your family.

Chicago Heights Park District West Course was formerly known as Chicago Heights Country Club. Within this area are many very tall trees and other plant and animal species. The park is located in Chicago Heights, at 1100 Scott Ave. A picnic, barbecue or walks are possible here and you will enjoy spending your time here. Your kids will be fascinated by the natural beauties and adults will be enchanted by the smell of green grass and by the birds' song.

Lynwood Bowl is located at 2581 Glenwood Lansing Road, in Chicago Heights and it is a fascinating attraction where tourists can have a lot of fun. It is one of the most popular attractions and anyone who comes here will spend a great time.

The Big Apple Pancake is a location in Chicago Heights where you can taste delicious dishes. Founded in the 1990's, the place is known for its pancakes. It does not last long until they are cooked and you can also benefit from coupons that will help you save money. You find it at 1425 Western Avenue and here you can also try sandwiches, salads and many other dishes that are very tasty.

Chicago Heights Map