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Gaylord Car Rental Comparison

Gaylord is a small city located in Michigan, United States of America. It is the county seat of Otsego County and the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gaylord. Gaylord is famous for being the home of many skiing and golfing resorts. The city has a lot of buildings raised in Tyrolean style, so it is also called Alpine Village. Gaylord has a sister city in Switzerland, called Pontresina and one very important event is Alpenfest, a July event where participants dress in a Swiss style. Famous Gaylord residents include author and producer Kurt A. David, Claude Shannon - "father" of information theory and Don Campbell, scale model builder. If you want to pay a visit to Gaylord there are places and events not to be missed.

Top Attractions within Gaylord

Au Sable River is the perfect place for fly fishing. So if you are patient enough, you can relax one afternoon fishing along the Au Sable River in Gaylord.

Manistee River is parallel to Au Sable River and offers the same attraction to tourist and locals - fly fishing. Of course, for this kind of activity, you should be armed with time and patience. But the place is famous for this and you will surely meet new people with the same passion and you will spend a great time.

Gaylord Alpenfest is held every year in the third weekend of July. The festival welcomes Swiss styled participants and offers a Saturday parade, a car show, carnival rides and also features a special attraction named Burning of the Boogg.

Wings Over Gaylord is an air show held each year in the third week of June. The air show is completed by outdoor theater performances, live music performances and arts and crafts work-shops for adults and children. Wings Over Gaylord is a great festival of the town and attracts thousands of tourists each year.

Gaylord Map