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Natchez Car Rental Comparison

Natchez has a population of approximately 18, 400 inhabitants, being the county seat of Adams County, Mississippi, United States. Natchez is also the largest community within the county and the oldest settlement in the lower Mississippi River Valley.

Top Attractions within Natchez

Natchez On-Top-of-the-Hill Historic District is an important historic district in Natchez that in 1979 was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The district includes Greek Revival and Late Victorian exhibits. It is a wonderful journey back in time that enables visitors to discover the past and the evolution stages of this wonderful place. It is a nice spot, recreational, but also a great history lesson for anyone that enters it. This museum is very important to the life and culture of this area, preserving many items for the next generations.

Longwood or Nutt's Folly is a historic district located in Natchez. This nice mansion houses many antebellum exhibits, uniforms, documents. The building is octogonal and has a byzantine onion-shaped dome, so it has a very interesting architectural style. Here, were also shot many scenes from True Blood series. The museum was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, being also an important landmark. For those that are passionate about architecture, culture and history, this is the place they do not have to miss while are in Natchez.

Natchez National Historical Park is one of the most important attractions in Natchez. It preserves important documents and exhibits from the past of this place and incorporates three different parts such as Fort Rosalie, a fortification site dating since the 18th century, Melrose, the estate of an important lawyer and The William Johnson House, who was an American African barber and resident. Visitors will discover the history and the evolution of this place throughout time and the events that happened meanwhile, which had a strong influence upon this beautiful area. Interesting exhibits will catch the eyes as soon as you enter.

Dunkan Park is a spot where people find relaxation and have the chance to play or to take up golf lessons. Families can play in teams, so fun will be doubled.

Natchez Map