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Our Friends

Travel Blissful

An informative and entertaining writter shares her stories, tips, photos, videos, news, reviews and interviews. Only travel related stuff.

Doug Stephan

We love to listen to Doug Stephan while we drive. You can even listen to him now while you surf the web. See his website http://www.dougstephan.com



Donate a car at Kars4Kids!

At Kars4Kids, we pride ourselves on being not only the most convenient car-donation program in the nation, but also the most rewarding. Our fast, hassle-free auto pick up service means your car will be processed quickly, professionally and efficiently; the average contact time for scheduling a free pickup for your car is 24 hours and in many instances as little as 2 business hours! And there is absolutely no charge when you donate a car. You'll even get a free vacation voucher with over 80 vacation destinations. You'll also be immediately provided with a tax-deductible receipt for your car, the highest allowable by law.

From the minute you phone 1-877-KARS4KIDS, our experienced, highly trained operators will guide you through the car donation process. No errors, no confusion, no complications!  Alternately, you can donate your car on the web—just as simply, just as conveniently. Just fill out our quick and easy online car donations form.

Your car donation to Kars4Kids will benefit Joy for Our Youth, a national organization providing for the spiritual, emotional and practical needs of children from impoverished or dysfunctional families. JOY is a registered national, 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, which was established in 2000. JOY's primary focus is on children who, without intervention, are at high risk to experience failure, social challenges, depression and other factors that lead to anti-social, self-destructive behavior. By becoming actively involved in these children's lives over the course of their school years, JOY equips them with the stability and success they need to build wholesome, functional families of their own. JOY provides these children with a wide range of support services; these programs provide religious guidance and education, summer camp, hundreds of volunteer mentors, parent education, family retreats, holiday celebrations and practical, and financial assistance for children aged 6 to 18 and their families.

Many charities supply money to alleviate poverty and its destructive consequences. However, when the donated food is eaten, the clothing worn out and the rent paid, nothing has changed. The family remains mired in the difficulties that have rendered it unable to cope. JOY is unique because it takes the entire family situation into account and offers help from every necessary angle. And it sticks with its families, keeping up contact with children until they are grown and thriving in their own family homes.

Call us anytime at 877.527.7454. Or visit www.kars4kids.org